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Patent drafting software using natural language processing.

PatentPal is patent drafting software that uses natural language processing to generate a patent document and diagrams that can be exported into Word, Power Point, and Visio Files.

Table of Contents


App Preview

Output Customization


Landing Page

PatentPal landing page

Subscribe Page

PatentPal subscription page

Drafting Page

PatentPal drafting page

My Contributions

  • Developed PatentPal’s frontend web application UI and backend infrastructure, effectively serving hundreds of users.
  • Implemented user management and authentication systems using Python, AWS, and Auth0.
  • Streamlined development processes by creating code style guides and implementing automated code reviews.
  • Contributed to various aspects of project management, product design, and marketing efforts.
  • Established CI/CD pipelines in GitHub for efficient website deployments.
  • Created multiple AWS Lambda functions in Python for tasks such as handling Stripe user checkouts and updating user subscriptions.
  • Designed and built a custom WYSIWYG text editor integrated with the spaCy natural language processor for generating patent language.
  • Developed functions to export patent diagrams into Microsoft Visio files and patent language into Microsoft Word files.
  • Implemented automated snapshot and smoke screen tests, ensuring code quality through the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Developed a PatentPal API JavaScript SDK to facilitate integration with other systems.
  • Created clear and concise code style guidelines and set up ESLint and Prettier to maintain consistent coding standards throughout the project.