Video Streaming social media platform.
Avybe was a video streaming social media platform, similar to YouTube or TikTok. Unfortunatly it no longer exists and I also forgot to take any recordings of my work at the time. But if you’d like to learn more about the project please visit the LinkedIn Page. Or feel free to contact me directly.
Table of Contents
Landing Page

My Contributions
- Led a team of engineers in creating a subscription-based video streaming service from scratch.
- Successfully delivered Avybe’s frontend web UI and mobile app experiences to serve approximately one hundred users effectively.
- Developed Avybe’s backend API using the Python Django REST Framework.
- Set up Avybe’s backend API infrastructure on AWS EC2 and CodePipeline.
- Developed Avybe’s web experience using Next.js.
- Built Avybe’s iOS and Android mobile apps with React Native.
- Created documentation for code style guidelines and configured ESLint, Prettier, and Pylint for automatic code style enforcement.
- Created API endpoints for handling Stripe webhooks, including user creation and subscription updates.
- Developed the Avybe API JavaScript SDK.
- Organized stand-up meetings and weekly sprints to maintain project progress.
- Implemented a Python algorithm on AWS Lambda to calculate creator revenue based on view count.
- Created CI/CD pipelines using GitHub actions and AWS CodePipeline for efficient website deployments.
- Wrote Snapshot and Smoke screen tests in both Python and JavaScript for code testing.